Jones Engineering - Semiconductor Manufacturing Factory - BIM

| DESIGN | Architecture | | |

Jones Engineering is a global company and currently ranks among the largest M&E contractors in Ireland, boasting a widespread presence with branches across the globe. At WORQ, our commitment to excellence finds its true manifestation in our collaboration with Jones Engineering Electrical BIM Division. Since April 2022, we have been pivotal in the ongoing construction at the cutting-edge semiconductor fabrication plant in Leixlip, Kildare, Ireland.


Our dedicated team of highly experienced technicians specializes in the intricate realm of Building Information Modelling (BIM). Armed with proficiency in industry-leading software such as Revit, AutoCAD, and Navisworks, we have consistently delivered high-quality 3D models and 2D site drawings that form the backbone of this project.

Quality Control:

At WORQ, precision is not just a goal; it's a standard. Our commitment to excellence is underlined by a meticulous process of continuous quality control that spans several stages. This ensures that every model and drawing adhere to the highest industry standards, guaranteeing accuracy and reliability.

Flexibility as Standard:

Understanding the dynamic nature of the industry, our team goes beyond BIM drawings. We seamlessly integrate design changes into our workflow, enhancing constructability and cost-effectiveness. By adapting to the standards and best practices of our client, we not only meet expectations but exceed them.

Masters of Interpretation:

Our technicians possess the important ability to work with complex engineering drawings and P&ID drawings, ensuring seamless communication and execution in this sophisticated environment.

Proven Partnership:

The continued partnership with Jones Engineering Electrical BIM Division is a testament to the satisfaction derived from our work. WORQ is not just a service provider; we are your trusted ally in turning visions into precise, constructible reality.

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